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The Imperfect Tense The Verbs of the 3rd Group Lesson 5: aller, avoir, croire, être, fuir, voir and verbs conjugating like pouvoir

The verbs of the third group are called irregular verbs because they don’t follow the same conjugation as the verbs of the first and the second groups. Their conjugation varies according to their roots. In this lesson, we will study the verbs aller, avoir, croire, être, fuir, voir and verbs conjugating like pouvoir.

The conjugation of the verbs avoir and être in the imperfect tense

“avoir” and “être” are both verbs and auxiliaries.



Je J’avais J’étais
Tu avais étais
Il /elle/ on avait était
Nous avions étions
Vous aviez étiez
Ils/elles avaient étaient

Remember: When we conjugate the verb “être” in the imperfect tense, the circumflex accent that’s on the “ê” in “être” is replaced by the acute accent “é”.

Au lycée nous étions des ennemis jurés et maintenant nous sommes les meilleurs amis du monde.
At high school, we were sworn enemies and now we are best friends ever.

J’avais tellement mal au ventre que j’ai décidé d’annuler mon voyage.
I had such a stomach ache that I decided to cancel my trip.

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